Sunday, September 23, 2007

*singing Father Abraham


*Dave's crazy hairdo

The weather this weekend was really bad because of some storm passing by. I thought the house was going to be blown away. Nearby my house, the roof of some warehouse blew off.

Anyways, I thought nobody would come to Sunday school since 1. it was stormy, and 2. it was a ped. day on Friday which means I can't remind them an extra day. But, 8 girls showed up. YAY!
So, we learned about the 10 plagues, that sometimes, we are like the stubborn king of Egypt that wouldn't let the Israelites go. We know what God wants, but we just won't do it. We need to be like Moses and even if we're a little reluctant at the beginning, we should trust God and accept his will and just DO IT! We might not see the benefits right now, but in the long run we will know that this was the right choice.

Sunday school is so great. It's great because while I'm teaching, I get these little pangs inside me saying "Well, don't just talk the talk, but walk the walk, Miss Bang!" When I was explaining that we shouldn't be stubborn like the king..... I'm sooooo stubborn. So, I'm learning a lot as I teach Sunday school.

Well, tomorrow is another ped. day!! YAY! Although, it'll be as busy as having students with meetings and all. Hope you all have a good weekend!


sol said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yooahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
i'm soooooooooooooooo happy that you're doing this and that kids are showing up and they are learning about the bible!

i'm so proud of you! :D

so three weeks?
i'm counting the days!

love ya

Laura said...

me too! I counting down the days and am proud of you! And copying Sol's comments!!!

Eugene Kim / 김유진 said...